Women 2030 – a self-portrait
Women 2030 Self-Portrait project drew an in-depth picture on womanity, its perceptions and the future.
Starting point
A woman's self-image is shaped by many forces and the cross-pressure. Moreover, the media has a great power over the image and perceptions of womanity. A-lehdet media company wanted to find out more about women's own attitudes towards femininity and the images, expectations and pressures to understand the target group better. The aim was to strengthen the media company’s position as an expert on femininity.
The research project consisted of expert interviews, foresight workshops, focus group interviews and a quantitative survey on Finnish female population. As an outcome, we created an in-depth understanding of femininity and its perceptions in Finland, as well as its change drivers and future outlooks.
The message from the research is clear: the current image of women has fallen woefully behind who women really are, and too narrow a view of femininity creates pressure and insecurity.
Fewer than one in three respondents say they fit the traditional image of femininity. The majority of women think that the current image of women is so narrow that they do not fit into it.
Nine out of ten respondents say they sometimes feel inner pressure to fit into the image of women.
Besides paving the road for Eeva.fi launch and product development, the results in whole were published by A-lehdet, as well as presented for media agencies and advertisers.